Recently slightly dismembered tiefling druid with big dreams
of taking revenge on the guy who
killed all his family
Big fan of frogs
The best boy, also a frog, been Grunk's companion for as long as either can remember.
Very bright kobold, big fan of the sun and eating treats.
Now he knows how to
swim and nothing can stop him.
Fred to his non Nasrian friends. Dragonborn fighter, very fond of grappling people. Trying to find a way to ressurect his pet halfling.
FredsheetI don't remember which way these goblins go
but 2 of these three are twins and the last is their
I believe it's Swerg and Swarg sons of Sworg, but I could easily by wrong.
They were a pair of rune knights trying to make their way in the universe.
Jared is a
and farmer. Hates bears
██████████perfectly normal human
Just your average everyday family man.
Had reflexes nearing superhuman levels tho.
A young solo
and one of few with no cyberware in him